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Design and Analysis of Slotless-Type Permanent-Magnet Linear Brushless Motor by Using Equivalent Magnetizing Current

저자명 : Gyu-Hong Kang, Jung-Pyo Hong, Member, IEEE, and Gyu-Tak Kim, Member, IEEE
  • 첨부파일 : Design_and_Analysis_of_Slotless-Type_Permanent-magnet_linear_brushless_motor_by_using_equivalent_magnetizing_current.pdf (279kbb)

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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 37, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2001 Gyu-Hong Kang, Jung-Pyo Hong, Member, IEEE, and Gyu-Tak Kim, Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper presents a design and steady-state analysis method of a slotless-type permanent-magnet linear brushlessmotor based on the equivalent magnetizing current method. Thephenomena of the slotless-type motor by the variety of coil shapeunder the constant magnetomotive force has been analyzed and theanalysis process is applied to the design and static-state analysisconsidering commutation thrust ripple. The validity of the proposed technique is confirmed with two-dimensional finite-elementanalysis and experimental results. Index Terms—Commutation thrust ripple, electromagneticcompatibility, slotless-type permanent-magnet linear motor, twodimensional finite element.


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